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And although Shang Yi led the reinforcements arrived in Shandong,burberry on sale, but in addition to the Qing Yi Chang and carried cavalry battle outside, basically did not participate in the war, are totallybusinesses Army held firm in Shandong fight from the opening of a disadvantage, to the initiative, to the final victory. Also very rare. Is in its late, a lot of businesses use guerrilla military tactics, to become the ultimate win to build off points, and also for the future and Qing combat, providing a great deal of practical experience of. But after all, is a different era to another time and space, so guerrilla warfare are not exactly the same way, Shang Yi also seize the time, combined with the fighting situation in this period of time, and the captains together to summarize the practical application of methods of guerrilla warfare and guerrilla warfare and regular combination of tactical warfare and so on.

