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If the German Air Force pilots do not know ugg outlet online is in fierce fighting, then the events of Black Thursday ugg outlet believe this. The same day, the British lost 34 fighters, while Germany lost 75. Throughout the combat, the British Royal Air Force and the Luftwaffe have overestimated their victory - and this is understandable, in the air melee, while if the two pilots hit a plane, then ugg outlet may all claim to shoot down enemy machine one. Great enemy casualty figures will undoubtedly boost morale, but not the basis for developing a reasonable plan.

German Air Force planners have accepted these intelligence,cheap uggs, but think bigger losses actually suffered by the Royal Air Force. Germany believe the British Royal Air Force fighter at the front, leaving only 300, therefore, the German air force commanders decided to make every effort, and destroyed the British fighter aviation. German bombers flying in a small amount of the UK, in an fake sunglasses attempt to bait, lure RAF fighter attacks. With the entire summer Spitfire, Hurricane and bf109 fighter air competition, more opportunity for important airport bomber Meiren Hill Church Hall, North Wilde and Seamus other spirits were hit.

However,ugg outlet, when the Germans will soon achieve its operational objectives, the Germans turned to shift the target British cities. Why Luftwaffe suddenly relax the pressure on the Royal Air Force ? Perhaps it is because the German High Command considered the main Royal Air Force has been eliminated. Another way of saying yes, August 25 RAF raid on Berlin angered Hitler, Hitler made ​​prompting retaliatory decision. In fact, the Royal Air Force raid itself is just a retaliatory response to the German Air Force plane lost bombers, which the German bomber aircraft mistakenly bombs in London's East End.

